Friday, October 31, 2008

Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstres Reading Questions pg. 45~61

sadistic (adj.)
syn: cruel
ant: humane

vigilance (n.)
syn: caution
ant: carelessness

substantiate (v.)
syn: verify
ant: disprove

garish (adj.)
syn: ornate
ant: plain

myopia (n.)
syn: n/a
ant: n/a

belligerent (adj.)
syn: aggressive
ant: kind

redolent (adj.)
syn: aromatic
ant: unsavory

somnambulates (v.)
syn: n/a
ant: n/a

16. Four-Eyes is a friend of Luo and the narrator. The village where Four-Eyes was being re-educated was situated lower on the slopes of Phoenix mountain than the narrator and Luo's. His family lived in the same city as the narrator's parents; his father was a writer, his mother was a poet. In Four-Eye's presence, everything became tinged with danger. If someone knocked on the door, he would be frightened and he would spring to his feet.

17. The Western literature in China were confiscated by the Red Guards and they burnt them in the public. By the time the narrator and Luo had finally learnt to read properly, there had been nothing left to read and their interest in reading these books became much stronger.

18. Without his spectacles, Four-Eyes won't be able to see whichs makes his daily work harder to do. Luo and the narrator help him carry the rice and Four-Eyes has to lend them a banned book from his suitcase.

19. The narrator also likes the seamstress. Balzac's story also discussed about love and desire which was similar to what the narrator was thinking about.

20. The narrator copies passages from Balzac's book onto the inside of his sheepskin coat. Writing the passages on his coat makes it very secretive because reading western literature is banned. There is a blending of old and new. The old is the way how the narrator writes the passages on the sheepskin coat. It was like in the olden times when there was no paper yet. The new is the western literature. The narrator feels a strong connection to the Balzac story because he wished that he was like Ursule who can somnambulate and see what his parents were doing at home.

21. Lup and the little seamstress made love. Balzac's novel made them excited and more interested about love, passion, desire and impulsive action. And reading the story to the little seamstress also made her feel the same way. Literature can be dangerous because it can make the reader impulsive.

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