Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Applying Methods of Integrating Quotations

1. "Introduce the quotation with a complete sentence and a colon"
Wang Lung says in his heart: "It is true that this is a shame to me that I cannot read and write. I will take my elder son from the fields and he shall go to a school in the town and he shall learn, and when I go into the grain markets he will read and write for me so that there may be an end of this hissing laughter against me, who am a landed man." (173)

2. "Use an introdutory or explanatory phrase, but not a complete sentence, separated from the quotation with a comma"
He stood there silent for a while and then he said to her roughly, and he was rough because he was ashamed and would not acknowledge his shame in his heart, "Where are those pearls you had?" (199)

3. "Use short quotations - only a few words - as part of your own sentence"
In The Good Earth, a novel by Pearl S. Buck, the author compares Wang Lung to "a rat in a rich man's house". Like a "rat in rich man's house", he earns barely enough money for his family, while around the city, he sees the market full of food and the shops selling silk. The money he earns are merely small money compared to the riches in the city. Wang Lung does not feel comfortable in the city and wants to go back to his land. (112~113)

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