Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sources for Vocabulary Lesson 2 Words

The definitions and the other forms of the vocabulary word are all from the Vocabulary For Achievement: Fourth Course and http://www.dictionary.com/.

systematic (adjective)

Other forms of the word: system, systematically, systematize, systematical, systematicness

Definition: Having a system, method, or plan; carried out in a step-by-step procedure.

Sentence Example: At the cafeteria at TAS, the food service office has a systematic procedure for getting lunch.

Picture Example:

selective (adjective)

Other forms of the word: select, selectively, selectiveneess

Definition: Careful in choosing; particular, discriminating.

Sentence Example: Food factories are selective in their products in order to provide people the best quality food.

Picture Example:

punctilious (adjective)

Other forms of the word: punctiliously, punctiliousness

Definition: Attentive to the finer points of etiquette and formal conduct.

Sentence Example: Tom was punctilious in measuring the amount of water in the graduated cylinder.

Picture Example:

prudent (adejctive)

Other forms of the word: prudence, prudently

Definition: Exercising caution, good judgement, ot common sense in handling practical matter; giving thought to one's actions and their consequences.

Sentence Example: Prudent people are very wise in making their choices.

Picture Example:

minutiae (noun)

Other forms of the word: minute, minutely, minutial

Definition: Minor or trivial details
Sentence Example: The minutiae of the science lab data were listed in an appendix.
Picture Example:

Saturday, September 6, 2008

meticulous (adjective)

Other forms of the word: meticulously, meticulousness, meticulosity

Definition: extremely careful and precise.

Sentence Example: Scientists need to be meticulous in order to get the right measurements.

Picture Example:

judicious (adjective)

Other forms of the word: judiciously, judiciousness

Definition: Using or showing judgement as to action or practical expediency.

Sentence Example: My mom is very judicious about whether or not I should be allowed to stay after school with my friends.

Picture Example:

foresight (noun)

Other forms of the word: foresee, foresighted, foresightedly, foresightedness, foresightful

Definition: The ability to see what is likely to happen and to prepare for it accordingly.

Sentence Example: Tom had the foresight to invest in the company when it first started.

Picture Example:

fastidious (adjective)

Other forms of the word: fastidiously, fastidiousness

Definition: excessively particular, critical, or demanding; hard to please.

Sentence Example: Bob is a fastidious eater, he is very picky about the food he eats.

Picture Example:

diligence (noun)

Other forms of the word: diligent, diligently, diligences

Definition: Constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken.

Sentence Example: Her diligence paid off and her project won first place.

Picture Example: