Friday, February 13, 2009

Grammar Usage - Day 1

a, an A is used before words beginning with a consonant or "yew" sound.
An is used before words beginning with a vowel sound.

a computer a unicorn an apple an otter an honor

a lot A lot, meaning "a large amount," should NEVER be used as one word.

There's a lot of ice.

a while, awhile A while is part of a prepositional phrase and is usually preceded by in or for.
Awhile is a single word used as an adverb.

Take a break for a while. The dog barked awhile.

accept, except Accept is a verb that means "to receive" or "to agree to."
Except is a preposition meaning "but" or a verb meaning "leave out."

adapt, adopt Adapt means "to adjust."
Adopt means "to take something for one's own."

advice, advise Advice is a noun that means "recommendation."
Advise is a verb that means "to give advice or counsel."

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